Women's Agora

Soul at Work Women's Agora met on 7/20/11: 2-hour conversation celebrates how women have made change.

This event is in the spirit of the ancient  Greek "Agora": a place of assembly for both political/ civic engagement – the agora was where ideas were debated – and  commerce was transacted. The agora was where the Greeks learned how to participate in  democracy. Our exchange in the “Soul at work Women’s Agora” will center on  helping each other do the following:  make connections, access know-how, and build mutual support – all aimed at  helping you continue on your path to making positive change.

 We met on Wednesday, July  20th from 8:00 -10:00 am. Below is an overview of our change projects, what we offer and what we need.  Take a look and post what your comments!

Summary includes the votes (dots) for our subsequent cafe conversations, which grew into two distinct themes:

  • Time for health and introspection and 
  • Irons in the fire (too many ideas), and getting clarity. 

See here more:


Gail Ahlers

Project: Moving my studio, getting more established sales channels, strategic partners
Capability: Bringing joy, linked in, WBENC info, positive thoughts, Sisterhood of Prosperity, project organization, healthy recipe
Resources:Strategic partners to feed me clients; clients needing custom design, custom awards, custom gifts, motivational symbols

Alicia Alexander
Project: working on it?
Capability: Strategies and connections; accounting/non-profit org. help
Resources: Networking, encouragement

Vicki Charbonneau
Project: Finding ways to feel better physically and mentally
Capability: strong desire; willingness to listen and start thinking positively (1 dot)
Resources: Need a mentor: someone who can send me in the right direction

Ann Ducharme
Project: Body Wisdom; therapeutic bodywork/energy work; movement awareness (3 dots)
Capability: Body work: one-on-one support and facilitation to experience well-being. Admin Support: workflow evaluation and streamlining; systems set-up
Resources: Willingness to experience something you’ve never experienced before! Networking

Michelle Girasole
Project: Soul at Work market vision: what’s next and how best to engage women leaders (1 dot)
Capability: Internet marketing communications. Start-up/entrepreneurship
Resources: Connections – women leadership organizations; feedback and ideas on SAW programming/future; testimonials :)

Michelle Gonzalez
Project: Evolve Soul at Work so that we are sustainable, and a place for women to lead and make change in the world
Capability: Contacts; organizational development; health and wellness coaching; small business financing
Resources: Advisors/Partner in crime; blog content; event helper; photographer; web manager

Victoria Grigaliunas
Project: Freelance graphic designer: would like to generate more capital through my profession so that I may grow my business and hire/create new jobs
Capability: I do it all myself, from sales to design, to billing. I’m ok with that while my business is growing. I help businesses establish their identity
Resources: Need new clients who own a small business or are looking to start a business

Leslie Haduch
Project: Anti-aging coaching: support from Leslie, 60-years young, for mind, body and spirit. I offer a 3 step program to live a healthier, more vibrant life (4 dots)
Capability: Anti-aging expertise: opened 1st health food store in Vail, Co., 37 years ago; innovative positive energy maching: elevates energy vibrations/levels of the body. Anti-aging pill – herbal, scientifically proven. Have the cells of a 20-year old.
Resources: Love meeting open-minded people who have a passion forlife and a desire for exquisite health. Fountain of youth energy assists the elite athlete to the person who strives for spiritual enlightenment

Caroline Mailloux
Project: Connecting with meaningful employment (2 dots)
Capability: Systems-level thinker; passionate; organized; ADAPTABLE!; connector
Resources: Introductions; tips on self-core during stressful transition; tips on creative financial management

Kate Nagle

Project: Open
Capability: Networking support; public relations skills; listening/support
Resources: Potential mentors , insight, wisdom, knowledge

Stephanie Nitka
Project: Theatre for social change, public arts project that truly engages and transforms identified community (1 dot)
Capability: passion; program development expertise; ability to truly listen to need and a drive/commitment to find long-term solution to address need; out-of-the-box thinker
Resources: Connections to people/organizations who are willing to have funds to support project; potential collaborator/partner; $$$

Time for health and introspection (5 dots)

•    Mind + Body + Spirit: balancing all elements
•   Practice “just for 10 minutes…”   to get moving, meditate, or to be creative...just 10 minutes, rather than thinking you have to find 1 or 2 hours
•    When connected to our spiritual path and service, life flows better and the money can flow effortlessly
•    Free time as currency
•    What elements contribute to my well-being? (e.g., music, exercise, etc.)
•    Listening to the advice we give to others
•    Thanking yourself and your body…treat self as “friend”

Irons in the fire, and getting clarity (6 dots)

•    How to embrace uniqueness and not fit into others’ definition and have strength to pursue and grapple w/need for $
•    Be open to what comes along – but help people to help you – use key words…tips:
•    Envision whole life – what do I want my work life to be
•    Use prompts or tools to find support: g.e. self-help CDs to reinforce and create positive mental attitude
•    Draw a map of the aspiration to see connections…mind map with “bubbles” on paper
•    Picture the goal will help stay on track and uncover the next step
•    Transformational thoughts, e.g., Lindsey Kinkade a designer calls herself "Designer Of social situations" to describe how she transform experiences with her party favors.…go ahead and put the thought “out” there

Financial Independence (4 dots): staying the course, surviving transition

Networking (4 dots)