Wednesday, December 8, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
This is our last Soul at Work gathering for the year. Bring your spouses, kids, partners, friends for a fun evening with the Soul at Work community. We'll have food and drinks (and a coloring/ card making station for the kids!) plus more. (Tickets are a donation to Edesia, LLC.)
Oh by the way, we'll showcase our year and success of Soul at Work and what we are planning for 2011--we promise we'll only need your keen attention for about 10 minutes, the rest of the time is to celebrate!
Please RSVP below so we can order food for enough people by clicking on the Paypal below (preferred donation method) and you'll be confirmed. Remember your RSVP is a holiday donation to Edesia, LLC of $25, $50 or $100:
Or mail us your check payable to "Edesia"
Why we are supporting Edesia:
We are aiming for $1,000, to support the mission of this social venture organization. As a whole we can make a difference as Edesai makes a difference in nourishing children under the age of 5 suffering from malnutrition. The product is turnkey: kids don't have to have invasive intervention--moms can easily and safely give this product to their children to "treat" them of malnutrition. And yes wouldn't it be great to prevent it, but right now nearly 6 million children under 5 die of malnutrition every year, that is one child every 5 seconds.

This is a solution at the extreme end of the poverty continuum, and Edesia is very aware of this as they aim to build factories in countries hardest hit by malnutrition so folks can make a living and create a future, rather than reacting to a current reality. Not perfect elimination of malnutrition and poverty but a start in the right direction.
Join us to to support this active solution that will become the tipping point for more systemic solutions to starts with one child at a time.