Cafe with Navyn Salem

Our first Cafe ofNavyn Salem 2011 yielded new practices and truths about leading in our own way.  Navyn's story illustrated how a question could create a journey and how merging all that you are interested in can create a company that makes a difference.  We'll post the seeds from her Cafe on site and of course on facebook, so join us.

 Tuesday, March 1, 2011  for our first Cafe of the year featuring Navyn Salem of Edesia from 5:30 - 8:00 pm.  Register here.

You've seen her and Edesia in NY Times Magazine, NewsWeek and FastCompany, Providence Business News 2010 Women to Watch, Providence Phoenix and winning the 40 under 40 awards, and recently with the PBN Innovation Awards.

Join us in 2011 to hear Navyn's  story as to how she started this organization, went to the "top" to get answers, and is responding to the controversy she stirred with this Social Enterprise. 

The Soul at Work network of women leading in their own terms is aiming to donate at least $1,000 to Edesia, so join us and contribute today! We have already contributed $500.  We have pledged $10 of your registration fee to this cause or you can donate directly! 

Register online for the Cafe here

Non-members:  $35
Contributing members: $25
Angel members:  no charge
Meeting the nutritional needs of young children today is essential if we want to ensure the success of generations to come. Unfortunately, many communities are unable to provide their children with the nutrition they need.

Every donated dollar takes Edesia one step closer to providing the necessary nutritional supplements during periods of crisis. One step closer to promoting research that increases distribution and use of ready-to-use foods. One step closer to supporting the growing network of factories that produce these foods in the developing world, closer to the need.

Take a moment today to make a difference in a child’s life.  They need your support.

$50.00 treats one child suffering from the worst cases of malnutrition.
$100.00 meets the nutritional needs of five children under the age of two.
$500.00 keeps twenty children from falling deeper into malnutrition.
$1,000.00 prevents malnutrition for fifty children under the age of two.

Edesia is a non-profit organization dedicated to the production and development of Plumpy'nut and other RUFs used to fight malnutrition in the developing world.

Click  to redirect to Edesia paypal


Send a Check to (please write SAW in the memo):

88 Royal Little Drive
Providence, RI 02904  USA

Connect Online

Join Edesia’s online community on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. You will get updates about Edesia, our events, outgoing shipments, ongoing research, and global nutrition issues.

Facebook LogoOur goal is to reach 1,000 friends to "like" Edesia.
Help us to spread the word and like Edesia on Facebook.

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Our goal is to reach 500 followers of @edesiallc.
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