Unconference: Be Visible

Cafe DiscussionOur 2010 Soul at Work series is starting out with "Be Visible" and that means also declaring how you'll bring more Soul at Work and lead in your own terms.  Leading has always meant authentically but also about embracing the complexity of our times in a way that creates positive change! See here for a full list of activities, who is involved, and how you can save time and money by becoming a member of the Soul at Work network. 

Our first event is Soul at Work Unconference was on  Wednesday, February 3, 4:00 pm - 8:00pm  

An Unconference is a gathering in which the attendees create the agenda and lead the session content.  We started with 12 topics and widdled the sessions down to four.  Other topics are featured here online via a blog.  Our key topics inspired from the “Be visible” theme for 2010 Soul at Work, are:
1.    Authentic Self-Promotion, how to do it- face to face and online? – 7 dots
2.    Visioning 2010: Developing your personal vision – 4 dots
3.    Getting Paid – 6 dots
4.    Getting past the fear of starting a business or project barriers to being visible both internal and external. – 5 dots

Unconference09If you are new to the concept of the Unconference, click here to learn more about this "attendees in control" process. What is an Unconference?

Below are the outcomes we uncovered at the Unconference

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