Agora Meet Up-October

Soul at Work Women's Agora met on 10/14/11: 1.5-hour conversation celebrates how women have made change.

We will be continuing these on 11/4, 12/2, and 1/10--see our EVENTS CALENDAR and register for one or all of them ($10 each for non-members)

This event is in the spirit of the ancient  Greek "Agora": a place of assembly for both political/ civic engagement – the Agora was where ideas were debated – and  commerce was transacted. The agora was where the Greeks learned how to participate in  democracy. Our exchange in the “Soul at work Women’s Agora” will center on  helping each other do the following:  make connections, access know-how, and build mutual support – all aimed at  helping you continue on your path to making positive change.

The common themes, and suggestions, we uncovered were:
How do I change perceptions to show others there is opportunity for personal growth and economic freedom with this initiative.
- Start a blog to write about what works what doesn't, become the expert who cares
- Speak at different networks

How do I Inspire and continue the energy of volunteers to keep the "cause" or "tour" sustainable for themselves and for the organization.
- Keep leading by showing them why this matters for personal growth
- Sharing in the limelight
- Maybe create a cooperative?
- Leverage your big donors

How can I be more effective and successful when I have multiple projects and priorities to keep going? 
- Can combine or merge with other's projects  or organization to create the platform for this
- Looking for sponsorship/ funders (as in the non-profit and event business) team up with another group and go for the big ask and leverage each others network and reach.
- Compile the list of corporate contacts for giving and sponsorship and keep asking

What else can I do to building personal community with food & neighbors
- Soup Sundays
- Lady Scouts

What next steps must I do to get the funding to launch a new tech company to develop the product? 
Flesh out the idea in focus groups, sign on the implementation team to be ready, and sign up short list of clients (actual) who will pay for this product when it is luanched?
- Go ahead do the RI Business Plan contest and go ahead and re-apply to Betaspring, persistance can pay off.

Below is an overview of our change projects, what we offer and what we need.  Take a look and post your comments!

Caroline Maillox, CommonCause RI

Project:  Central Fall's Library-keep the doors open!  See the NY Times article and get ready to contribute!
Capability: social media, grantwriting, organizational development
Resources needed: Input on compatible granters in community development and education equality, volunteer recruitment, connecting with media outlets, in-kind donations (technology, programming, etc)

Mary-Lou Lamontage, FreshConnections and many other projects!
Project: In Uganda, Kampala Children's Center and Destiny Africa Children's Choir, I'll be the tour Manger for Spring 2012!!
Capability:  Heartfelt performance which brings joy and hope.  Funding for a Center
Resources needed:  Volunteers in PR, Sponsorships, an Administrative Assistant

Michelle Gonzalez, New Commons
Project: Evolve Soul at Work so that we are sustainable, and a place for women to lead and make change in the world
Capability: Contacts; organizational development; health and wellness coaching; small business financing
Resources: Advisors/Partner in crime; blog content; event helper; photographer; web manager

Karen Lee, of Breathing Time Yoga
Project:  Create a referral network for Breathing Time Yoga's yoga thereapy classes and one-on-one yoga therapy.  Aiming to do this by establishing face-to-face relationships with care providers in other fields.
Capability:  Web-based marketing, email marketing, database utilization, volunteer utilization
Resources needed:  Network with precision, listing of events for care providers that I can attend

Michelle Girasole, The Sassy Ladies and Fresh,LLC
Project: Pay-per-like
Capability:  Connections, marketing brain, entrepreneurial spirit
Resources needed:  Tech brains, funding/ revenue stream for the business

Eva Anderson
Project:  Direct Sales as a retirement plan
Capability:  income generator, improved health
Resources needed:  how to overcome the stigma of MLM

Alicia Alexander, Image Werks, LLC

Project: relaunch of her business 
Capability:  Strategies and connections; accounting and non-profit org. help
Resources needed:  Networking, encouragement

Jennifer Neuguth, Festival Fete
Project:  Developing a healthy company with sponsors and guests/ attendees to my events
Capability:  Connections to artist community, creativity, marketing outreach- cross promoting
Resources needed: Sponsorship contacts, marketing outreach

Julia McDowell, Clinton Health Access Initiative
Project: Build community in Providence of diverse, engaged, passionate people
Capability:  Friendliness, interest in trying new things, desire for social and intellectual exchange
Resources needed:  people who are open-minded, patient and have time