Movie Night: Texas Gold

Texas Gold with Diane Wilson

Our second movie night of the year was a success.  We spent time discussing how to forge forward with a vision regardless of the obstacles.  Fueled by Diane's story and her tenacity to tell the truth and hold others accountable, attendees found a well of support to continue their individual quests.  We also reflected on how our world can change to be more life giving. In light of the oil spill off of Mississippi, and the coal mine collapse in Virginia, we realized these corporations have to do better to protect people and place as well as be held accountable as we evolve to cleaner, renewable energy.

Read more about what Diane Wilson's story and activism and hold others accountable for creating a better world for us and nature. 

TEXAS GOLD profiles the brave and ballsy actions that have earned Diane Wilson the title of “unreasonable woman”. 

Waging multiple hunger strikes, starting up a business bottling toxic water taken from a superfund site – which she creatively labeled and sold back the crude brew to the tycoons whose heedless business practices had polluted the water.

Because they didn't head her resistance she sunk her beloved shrimp boat on top of a toxic discharge site!

Eventually, she was convicted for trespassing after chaining herself to an ethyl oxide tower at her local Union Carbide plant and unfurling a banner emblazoned with “justice for the victims of the Bhopal disaster”.  All because the polluting corporations would not head her cry for protecting a vital natural resource, the bay!

This is more than a radical demonstration, it is about how one "unlikely woman" decided to protect what she loved...the bay she grew up on, her family, and her community's health! 

Fee is just $10, register today by clicking on here: Register Today

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