Unconference Topics

{jcomments on} Women's Sewing Circle

Uncovering the My Soul at Work Unconference on Wednesday, July 29th is in the MySelf section because you have to start with Self to create! 

Our theme is "Creating our Future" and the agenda is set by you. Our topic structure is parallel to the structure of this site. As our leadership practice moves from within and outward, so too, does our future:   



What will be the topic areas or "sessions" if you will?  With this minimalist structure we are asking you to tell us what you most want to learn, discuss, share, aspire for in images/stories/saw/saw 073.jpgeach of these realms of our complex being.

So many choices...but really just begin now...tell us what topics you want to learn about most or what YOU would like to present at our Unconference on July 29th.

Begin now, post a suggestion, share your opinion, tell us what you are most interested in.

Importantly tell us more about, what you want in Creating your Future!

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